She performed in a large and diverse number of theater productions including:
Fantasma, written by Benjamin Benne and directed by Cat Rodriguez featured in the 40th Annual Playlabs Festival in Minneapolis, MN, USA
My soul is not rested, written by Cassandra Medley and directed by Aaron Todd Douglas featured in The Afro-Atlantic PLaywright Festival in Minneapolis,MN, USA
Diez Olvidos al Otro Lado de las Vías, written and directed by Federico Ponce
La Boda Argentina, written by Alejandro G. Ruffoni and directed by Federico Ponce
El Castigo sin Venganza, by Lope de Vega, directed by Francisco Civit featured in the 34th Almagro Classical Theater Festival in Spain
Saverio el Cruel, by Roberto Arlt with direction by Carlo Argento
Ceremonia Enamorada, sonnets and plays by Shakespeare directed by Miguel Guerberof
Van Gogh, by Pacho O´Donnel, directed by Daniel Marcove
Entretangos, by Carla Solari and Omar Berengeno with the direction of Omar Berengeno
Noche Extraviada, adaptation of texts by Cioran directed by Ricardo Bartís
Rumirbarropantano, by B. Cappa, C. Propato and W. Rosenzwit with their direction
El Rey Candol, by André Gide, directed by Daniel Ruiz
Sintiendo Ser Mapuche, by Susana Puente with the direction of Adelaida Mangani
Yerma Entre el Deseo y la Culpa, based on texts by Federico García Lorca with the direction of C. García Mochales
El Extraño Jinete, by Michel de Ghelderode, directed by Pablo Moseinco featured in the 10th Blumenau / Brazil University Theater Festival
Rosalba y los Llaveros, by Emilio Carballido, directed by Pablo Moseinco
Circo por Tres, by Andrea Juliá, directed by Gastón Martelli
La que Sigue, by Griselda Gambaro, supervised by Eduardo Pavelic
She adapted and directed Entrevero de Entremeses, a play based on two interludes by Cervantes with actors and actresses that graduated from her studio.
She also worked in popular soap operas like Consentidos, Lalola, Montecristo, Rebelde Way, Trillizos, and Chiquititas.