“The actress, Carla Solari, gives an excellent performance. The registers and tones of her voice, the ethereal way she sometimes works her body, and the strength of the fall into the abyss sustain the viewer.”
Azucena E. Joffe for "Luna Teatral"
"The text is very poetic, and Solari is perfect for it, as she has impeccable diction. Furthermore, Solari’s performance achieves a well-sustained balance of tension that peaks and falls at different moments. ”
Lorenzo Miguel for "The Herald"
“Carla Solari lends her voice and body to Phaedra with impeccable technique and a passion that sends shivers down your spine. The text demands sensuality and surrender, not only in what she says but also in the actress's movements that manage to mesmerize the audience and Hippolytus”
Mariana Komiserof for Leedor
“The center of the drama revolves around Carla Solari, a sensitive performer who highlights the author's distinguished voice without diminishing her own harmonic vibration.”
Luis Mazas for "Veintitrés Magazine"
“Carla Solari manages to convey with beauty and sensuality that monologue that recovers eternal words.”
Noticias Magazine